Knee pain is one of the most common complaints from people as they get older. However, knee pain can occur at any age and can be caused by a wide range of conditions and injured. Chronic knee pain is a difficult condition to live with, but it can be managed with the right care. If you aren’t sure what has caused your knee pain, an examination can determine the cause.
What causes chronic knee pain?
Temporary knee pain is different from chronic knee pain. Many people experience temporary knee pain as a result of an injury or accident. Chronic knee pain rarely goes away without treatment, and it isn’t always attributable to one incident. It’s most often the result of several causes or conditions.
Physical conditions or diseases can cause knee pain. These include:
Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎 : pain, inflammation, and joint destruction caused by degeneration and deterioration of the joint
Tendinitis 肌腱炎: pain in the front of the knee that is made worse when climbing, taking stairs, or walking up an incline
Chondromalacia Patella 软骨软化症髌骨: damaged cartilage under the kneecap
Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎 (RA): a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorder that causes painful swelling and can eventually cause joint deformity and bone erosion
Dislocation 脱臼: dislocation of the kneecap most often the result of trauma.
Who is at risk for chronic knee pain?
People who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk for knee problems. For every pound that you are overweight, your knee must absorb an extra 4 pounds of pressure when you walk, run, or climb stairs.
Other factors that increase your risk for chronic knee pain include:
1. Age
2. Previous injuries or trauma
3. Athletic activity or physical exercise
What are the symptoms of chronic knee pain?
The symptoms of chronic knee pain are different for each person, and the cause for the knee pain often affects how the pain feels. Chronic knee pain may present as a:
1. Constant ache
2. Sharp, shooting pain when in use
3. Dull burning discomfort
4. You may also experience chronic swelling and pain when the knee is touched.
How can chronic knee pain be prevented?
You can prevent some, but not all, of the possible causes of knee pain. But you can’t prevent chronic knee pain. There are things you can do to alleviate the pain.
If your chronic knee pain gets worse because of overuse or tends to be the most painful after physical activity, you can make lifestyle changes to help treat the pain.
These approaches include:
1. Warm up before exercise, stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings before and after exercise.
2. Try low-impact exercises. Instead of tennis or running, give swimming or bicycling a shot or mix low-impact exercises with high-impact exercises to give your knees a break.
3. Walk down hills will let running puts extra force
How TCM treating chronic knee pain
Each underlying cause of chronic knee pain has a specific type of treatment. These treatments may include:
1. Physical therapy
2. Medication
3. Shockwave Therapy (AWT)
4. Acupuncture
Any problem with knee pain? Make an appointment with us today!