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Refresh Bojin with Indiba treatment

Treatment included Consultation 15 min + Refresh Bojin with Indiba treatment 60 min

1 h 15 min
From 253 Singapore dollars
Plaza Singapore #03-47 (Refresh TCM Wellness)

Service Description

Face Indiba is a type of facial treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production and improve skin tone and texture. The treatment involves the use of a handheld device that emits a low-level electrical current to penetrate deep into the skin and heat up the tissue. This process can help to increase blood flow and oxygenation, promoting natural healing processes and improving the overall appearance of the skin. The treatment is non-invasive, painless, and typically requires no downtime. It is commonly used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. This treatment suitable for dark circles, sagging face, enlarged pores, asymmetrical face, dark spots ETC, dry skin, oily skin, wrinkles, dullness, sensitive Face Indiba 是一种使用射频技术刺激胶原蛋白生成并改善肤色和质地的面部护理。 该治疗涉及使用手持设备发射低电平电流深入皮肤并加热组织。 这个过程可以帮助增加血液流动和氧合作用,促进自然愈合过程并改善皮肤的整体外观。 该治疗是无创、无痛的,通常不需要停机。 它通常用于减少皱纹、细纹和皮肤松弛的出现。 此治疗适用于 黑眼圈,面部松弛,毛孔粗大,面部不对称,黑斑等,干性皮肤,油性皮肤,皱纹,暗沉,敏感

Cancellation Policy

1. Secure your appointment with a $10 non-refundable deposit. 2. If you can't attend, we'll keep the credit for one year or transferable to others. 3. Exclusive online promotions are for online bookings. 4. Appointments depend on our schedule, but we'll try to accommodate your preferred time. Alternatives will be suggested if needed. 5. Your chosen treatment may change after the physician assessment, with additional charges. 6. All Price has included physician assessment fees of $25 for first-time customers / $20 for repeated customers at Yong Kang TCM Clinic and $35 for first-time customers / $25 for repeated customers at Refresh TCM Wellness. 7. Mandatory physician assessment fees of $25 (Yong Kang TCM Clinic) and $35 (Refresh TCM Wellness) apply for first-time or repeated customers after 6 months. 8. All prices is subject to prevailing GST. 1. 预约需支付$10不可退的订金。 2. 无法如期完成预约,我们将为您的订金保留一年或可转让给他人 3. 独家网上促销仅适用于在线预订。 4. 任何预约更改取决于我们的时间表,如有需要,我们将提供其他替代方案以满足您的时间要求。 5. 您选择的治疗配套可能会依据医师专业评估后有所变化,额外服务将收取额外费用。 6. 所有价格已包含(永康中医诊所)$25首次访客 / $20回访顾客和(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)$35首次访客 / $25回访顾客的医师评估费用。。 7. 首次或6个月后再次访问的顾客需支付$25(永康中医诊所)和$35(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)的医师评估费用。 8. 所有价格均需缴纳消费税。

Contact Details

  • Orchard Road, Refresh TCM Wellness @ Plaza Singapura #03-47, Plaza Singapura, Singapore

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