According to a Straits Times publication on Head and Body Pain, neck pain is one of the most common areas that sufferers experienced their pain. What’s more concerning is that head and body pain cost Singapore’s economy $8.4 billion each year, according to a global study.
Neck pain is undeniably a very common health problem in today’s society. In fact, the incidence of neck pain continues to rise, especially in the adolescence and young adult population. However, a study showed that more than half of the people in Singapore suffer their pain in silence, while one in three ignores his pain.
With over years of experience, physicians at Yong Kang TCM Clinic has identified the most common muscles affected by neck pain are:
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Levator Scapulae muscle
Trapezius muscle
Rhomboid muscle

While the individual chose to ignore the pain and discomfort, the microdamage within the neck continues to worsen. In mild cases, the range of motion is restricted and hence affects the person's normal neck movements.
Have you ever thought about what serious problems you would face if the condition progresses further? i) Bony spurring (osteophytes) ii) Disc damage iii) Calcium can deposit within the ligament iv) Worsening of the spinal alignment v) Severe disability vi) Affect work productivity vii) Significant impact on the healthcare cost
Based on Refresh Group’s experience in successfully treating over 2 million clients since 2003, we would like to suggest some ways to help relieve neck stiffness and pain as well as methods to prevent the pain. Feel free to jot down these important notes and implement them in your daily life as soon as possible!
Change your lifestyle pattern now, Don’t be sedentary anymore
1) Pay attention to your body posture

Be mindful and put in an effort to improve your posture. Focus on keeping the neck, shoulders, and back in a straight line (you will have natural curves in your cervical, thoracic, and lumbar areas) throughout the day.
2) Improve posture while sleeping

Choose the right pillow height based on your sleeping position. A pillow is supposed to keep your head and neck in an aligned position to ensure proper spine alignment during sleep.
3) Correct your bad smartphone posture

While using your smartphone, raise it up instead of bending your head to look down. Your head should be in a healthy neutral position to avoid all sorts of neck problems.
Apart from changing your lifestyles, you could also consider massaging your pressure points, according to TCM’s approach. Yong Kang TCM Clinic suggests you add this at-home alternative to your daily routine to relieve the pain temporarily.
Hou Xi (后溪穴)

Luo Zhen (落枕)

Zhen Xue (枕穴)

Friendly advice from team Yong Kang TCM Clinic:
For most neck pain, it’s okay to try self-care acupressure before seeking medical help. However, if your neck pain is so severe you can’t sit still, or if you may have trouble coping with daily life, please seek medical attention immediately.
Individual symptoms differ due to different body constitutions and diagnosis. One should consult a licensed TCM practitioner for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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Attention! Team Yong Kang TCM Clinic has extra tips for you in strengthening your bone & joint thereby helps to lower your risk of having neck pain!

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Thanks for reading through all this information! Team Yong Kang TCM Clinic hopes that you can restore the healthy curve of your neck!