Ji Yang Moxibustion 永康极阳灸
Treatment included Consultation 15 min + Ji Yang Moxibustion 60 min 治疗项目包括问诊 15分钟 + 永康极阳灸 60 分钟
Service Description
Combined with technology-based moxibustion, the firepower can penetrate the muscles and bones, and one treatment is equal to 10 traditional moxibustion sessions. Ji Yang Moxibustion utilizes intelligent controlled thermotherapy to achieve deep penetration of different body areas, addressing the root causes of various pains and discomforts. In this therapy, specific herbs are burned to generate heat and herbal aromas, which are then applied to stimulate the body's meridians and acupoints, aiming to facilitate regulation and promote well-being. The benefits of Ji Yang Moxibustion include enhancing blood circulation, alleviating pain, boosting immune function, harmonizing visceral functions, and inducing relaxation of both body and mind. Specializing in sub-health, dark diseases, postoperative conditioning, postpartum conditioning, obstetrics and gynecologic, detoxification and eliminating pathogenic qi, pain treatment, fatigue, long-term insomnia, chronic diseases, eczema, regulating blood and qi, cough, dry/swollen skin, loss of appetite, acne/spots on the skin, weight loss, fatigue, chills, headache, visual fatigue, soreness of the waist and knees, soreness of the waist and knees, knee pain, joint pain, muscle pain, frozen shoulder, low back pain, sciatica, migraine, back pain, plantar fasciitis, hip pain. 该疗法通过使用先进的机器来增强艾灸的效果,只需1次即可达到10次传统艾灸的效果。 永康极阳灸采用了智能控制热疗,能对身体不同部位的深度渗透,解决各种疼痛和不适的根本原因。在这种疗法中,通过将特定的草药燃烧,产生的热量和草药的气味被用于刺激身体的经络和腧穴,以达到调理和促进健康的目的。 永康极阳灸的好处包括促进血液循环,舒缓疼痛,增强免疫力,调节脏腑功能,放松身心等。 专治亚健康,暗病,术后调理,产后调理,妇产科,排毒祛邪气,疼痛治疗,疲乏劳累,长期失眠,慢性疾病,湿疹,调血补气,咳嗽,皮肤干燥/浮肿,食欲不振,皮肤长痘/长斑,消瘦,倦怠乏力,畏寒肢冷,头痛,视疲劳,腰膝酸软,膝关节疼痛,关节疼痛,肌肉酸痛,肩周炎,腰痛,坐⻣神经痛,偏头痛,背痛,足底筋膜炎,髋关节疼痛
Cancellation Policy
1. Secure your appointment with a $10 non-refundable deposit. 2. If you can't attend, we'll keep the credit for one year or transferable to others. 3. Exclusive online promotions are for online bookings. 4. Appointments depend on our schedule, but we'll try to accommodate your preferred time. Alternatives will be suggested if needed. 5. Your chosen treatment may change after the physician assessment, with additional charges. 6. All Price has included physician assessment fees of $25 for first-time customers / $20 for repeated customers at Yong Kang TCM Clinic and $35 for first-time customers / $25 for repeated customers at Refresh TCM Wellness. 7. Mandatory physician assessment fees of $25 (Yong Kang TCM Clinic) and $35 (Refresh TCM Wellness) apply for first-time or repeated customers after 6 months. 8. All prices is subject to prevailing GST. 1. 预约需支付$10不可退的订金。 2. 无法如期完成预约,我们将为您的订金保留一年或可转让给他人 3. 独家网上促销仅适用于在线预订。 4. 任何预约更改取决于我们的时间表,如有需要,我们将提供其他替代方案以满足您的时间要求。 5. 您选择的治疗配套可能会依据医师专业评估后有所变化,额外服务将收取额外费用。 6. 所有价格已包含(永康中医诊所)$25首次访客 / $20回访顾客和(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)$35首次访客 / $25回访顾客的医师评估费用。。 7. 首次或6个月后再次访问的顾客需支付$25(永康中医诊所)和$35(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)的医师评估费用。 8. 所有价格均需缴纳消费税。
Contact Details
Holland Road, Singapore
65 8931 0191
Sembawang Drive, Refresh TCM Wellness@ Sun Plaza #03-24 , Singapore
65 6752 4424
Orchard Road, Refresh TCM Wellness @ Plaza Singapura #03-47, Plaza Singapura, Singapore
65 6733 6344