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From SGD 123 - 45mins


Treatment included Consultation 15 min + Detox & Flush 30 min

治疗项目包括问诊 15分钟 + 排毒疗程 30分钟


Service Description

Slimming detox and flush is a natural and effective way to get rid of stubborn fat and fluid retention in the body. This treatment utilizes a combination of natural ingredients and advanced technology to help remove unwanted fats and achieve your ideal body shape. With no downtime and side effects, slimming detox and flush can help you reach your weight loss goals quickly and safely. This treatment works by boosting metabolism, eliminating toxins, and reducing water retention, resulting in a slimmer and more toned body. Whether you're struggling with a few extra pounds or looking to achieve a more sculpted physique, slimming detox and flush can help you achieve your desired results.


瘦身排毒和冲洗是摆脱体内顽固脂肪和液体滞留的自然而有效的方法。 这种护理结合了天然成分和先进技术,可帮助去除多余脂肪并塑造理想体型。 没有停机时间和副作用,减肥排毒和冲洗可以帮助您快速安全地达到减肥目标。 这种治疗通过促进新陈代谢、排除毒素和减少水分滞留来发挥作用,从而使身体更苗条、更健美。 无论您是在为增加几磅体重而苦苦挣扎,还是希望获得更苗条的体格,瘦身排毒和冲洗都可以帮助您达到预期的效果。

Detox & Flush 排毒疗程

Excluding Sales Tax
    • Holland Rd Shopping Centre #02-46 (Refresh TCM Wellness)
    • Sun Plaza #03-24 ( Refresh TCM Wellness)
    • Plaza Singapore #03-47 (Refresh TCM Wellness)
  • 1. If you can't attend, we'll keep the credit for one year or transferable to others.

    2. Exclusive online promotions are for online bookings.

    3. Appointments depend on our schedule, but we'll try to accommodate your preferred time. Alternatives will be suggested if needed.

    4. Your chosen treatment may change after the physician assessment, with additional charges.

    5. All Price has included physician assessment fees of $25 for first-time customers / $20 for repeated customers at Yong Kang TCM Clinic and $35 for first-time customers / $25 for repeated customers at Refresh TCM Wellness.

    6. Mandatory physician assessment fees of $25 (Yong Kang TCM Clinic) and $35 (Refresh TCM Wellness) apply for first-time or repeated customers after 6 months.

    7. All prices is subject to prevailing GST


    1. 无法如期完成预约,我们将为您的订金保留一年或可转让给他人

    2.  独家网上促销仅适用于在线预订。

    3. 任何预约更改取决于我们的时间表,如有需要,我们将提供其他替代方案以满足您的时间要求。

    4.  您选择的治疗配套可能会依据医师专业评估后有所变化,额外服务将收取额外费用。

     5. 所有价格已包含(永康中医诊所)$25首次访客 / $20回访顾客和(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)$35首次访客 / $25回访顾客的医师评估费用。。

     6. 首次或6个月后再次访问的顾客需支付$25(永康中医诊所)和$35(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)的医师评估费用。

     7. 所有价格均需缴纳消费税。

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