Spinal decompression therapy is considered an effective method for treating various spinal issues, but it is not suitable for everyone. Let's explore who should not undergo spinal decompression therapy.
1. Severe Osteoporosis Patients:
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures. Therefore, individuals with severe osteoporosis are not suitable candidates for this treatment as spinal decompression therapy may heighten the risk of fractures.
2. Spinal Deformity Patients:
Spinal deformities may affect the structure and stability of the spine, and undergoing spinal decompression therapy may exacerbate symptoms or lead to other complications. Therefore, individuals with spinal deformities need to carefully consider whether this treatment is suitable for them.
3. Spinal Tumor Patients:
Individuals with spinal tumors may require surgery or other specialized treatments to address the tumor. Spinal decompression therapy is generally not applicable for treating spinal tumors as it may not address the issues caused by the tumor.
4. Severe Spinal Injury Patients:
Severe spinal injuries may require more specialized and urgent treatment methods, such as surgery or emergency measures. In such cases, spinal decompression therapy may not be effective or safe enough.
5. Pregnant Women:
Although spinal decompression therapy is generally considered a safe treatment option, pregnant women should consult with a doctor before undergoing any treatment. Especially during pregnancy, the physiology and anatomy of the spine may undergo changes, requiring extra caution.
6. Age-Inappropriate Individuals:
Spinal decompression therapy is generally not recommended for individuals who are either too young or too old, as their bones may be more fragile or still developing, posing risks during treatment.
Before considering spinal decompression therapy, it's essential to consult with a doctor for a detailed assessment, especially if you belong to one of the aforementioned groups unsuitable for this therapy. The professional medical team at Yong Kang TCM & Physio Clinic will provide you with the most suitable treatment advice based on your individual circumstances, ensuring your safety and comfort.